music video

Under the merciless desert sun, Nathaniel Hunt delivers a stunning performance through euphoria and despair as a tortured addict who tries to escape but keeps coming up against himself.

  • Band: Cold Arizona

    Vocals: Indee Killed the Pop Star aka Jennifer Zuiff

    Dance and Choreography by Nathaniel J Hunt

    Written and Directed by Eva Midgley

    Cinematography by Eva Midgley

    Producer: Peter Scott at Peter Scott Productions

    Editor: Josephine van Ling

  • I knew I wanted a classically trained dancer for Open Highway Headstart. It was not an obvious choice for the music but the band took a leap of faith. Nathaniel (Hunt) is an Alvin Ailey trained dancer. He has amazingly expressive body language, and switches from classical to contemporary to freestyle with such grace and ease. We hired a studio in Brooklyn and worked on themes we would bring into the film. The story follows an addict who tries to escape his addictions but keeps coming up against himself. Nate embodies and expresses the character fully through dance. The euphoria, the descent, the despair. He gave an amazing performance, becoming one with the desert and the sun beating down on him.


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